Work-focused interview requirement only
You will be placed in this group if you are responsible for a child between the ages of one and under three or you are a foster carer for a child under 16, or 18 if the child has extra care needs. If you are in this group you will be required to stay in touch with the labour market by attending work-focused interviews. These are regular interviews to discuss plans and opportunities for returning to work in the future.
You will not be required to apply for, or take up a job, or engage in work preparation activity.
Work preparation requirement only
You will be placed in this group if you are assessed as having limited capability for work (LCW). If you are placed in this group, you will be expected to prepare for a move into work, additional work, or better paid work. Actions to get ready for work could include attending training courses, preparing a CV or taking part in the Work Programme.
You will not be required to take steps to apply for or take up work as a condition of your claim.
All work-related requirements
This is the full conditionality group, if you are in this group you will be required to look for and be available for work. You will usually be expected to look for full-time work of 35 hours a week but this can be less in certain circumstances, for example if you have caring responsibilities or have p physical or mental health problems.
In-work conditionality
You might face conditionality requirements even though you are already in work. This will be the case if your income is below your earnings threshold. The threshold is based on what you would earn if you worked for 35 hours a week at the national minimum wage. Though if you have caring responsibilities, your threshold may be lower than this.
If you are claiming as a couple DWP will look at whether you are earning above your threshold as a couple.
If you are earning below your threshold you will be expected to make efforts to increase your income. The DWP suggest that this may include increasing the hours you work, finding additional work or finding a new job with a higher income.