Using Your Hosting Account

Using your Mace Housing online account


Using When you log in to your account, you’re able to use a range of services – giving you control of your home all in one place, 24 hours a day:

  • Manage your rent and payments
  • View your up-to-date rent statement
  • Request repair appointment
  • Update your personal contact details


To set up an online account all you need is your tenancy reference number and your email address.


You can find your tenancy reference number on your rent statement or contact your Housing officer.


Emergency repairs: 24 hours a day. If you need an emergency repair (eg for a severe water leak, dangerous electrical issue or security breach), please phone your Housing Officer/Manager

How to register: step-by-step guide

Log in

To log in, go to The following page is displayed:

Enter Email Address, Password and the displayed Security Code. Click on the Log in button.

Notice Board

The dashboard will display notices about events, meetings, etc posted by Mace. Click on the View button of any of the listed notices to display the notice in full as follows:

Click on the back arrow of your browser after viewing notice.

Balances and Statements

This option is used for:

  • Displaying a tenant’s balance
  • Producing a statement of transactions (i.e. Debits and Credits)
  • Producing a summary of transactions

Displaying a tenant’s balance

To display your balance, select Balance on the Balances and Statements menu. Your balance will be displayed as follows:

Producing a statement of transactions (i.e rent statements)

To access your statement of account, select List of Transactions on the Balances and Statements menu. The following page will be displayed:

Enter the period you want to produce the statement for and click on the Produce Report button to produce the statement as follows:

Producing a statement of transactions (i.e rent statements)

To access your statement of account, select List of Transactions on the Balances and Statements menu. The following page will be displayed:

Enter the period you want to produce the statement for and click on the Produce Report button to produce the statement as follows:

Producing a summary of transactions

To produce a summary of the your payments and receipts, select Summary on the Balances and Statements menu. The following page will be displayed:

Enter the period and click on the Produce Report button to produce the summary as follows:


The Repairs option is used for reporting issues to the repairs and maintenance department.

Reporting a Repair

To report a repair, select New Request on the Repairs menu. The following page is displayed:

Fill in the form and click on the Submit button. Your request will be saved and the following page will be displayed:

List of All Repairs

To view a list of all your repair requests, select List on the Repairs menu. The following page is displayed:

My Account

The My Account option is used for updating your profile image and password.

Updating your profile picture

To update your profile picture, select Update Picture on the My Account menu to display the following page:

Click on the Browse button to select the image. Once you have selected the image, click on the Upload button.

Updating your password

To change your password, select Update Password on the My Account menu to display the following page:

Enter the new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Click on the Update button to save the new password.

Log out

To log out of the system, simply click on the Log Out option on the menu.